
We can share The Right Trail with you through the hard work and generosity of those dedicated to trails throughout Benton County and the State of Oregon. The Right Trail was funded primarily through a grant from the Oregon Recreation and Parks Department’s Recreational Trails Program. Additional funds and in-kind donations were given by Greenbelt Land Trust, Benton County Natural Areas and Parks, Benton County Healthy Active Community Environments, City of Corvallis Parks and Recreation, and Oregon State University’s College Forests. These organizations, together with the Bureau of Land Management, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the U.S. Forest Service brought together the maps, images and stories you’ll find as you explore the site. They couldn’t have done it without the assistance of dedicated volunteers.
Thanks to the trail advocates, supporters, and professionals
whose work has made The Right Trail a reality!

360 SW Avery Ave. | Corvallis, OR 97333-1192
(541) 766-6871

1245 NE 3rd St. | Corvallis, OR 97330
(541) 766-6916

29555 Camp Adair Rd. | Monmouth, OR 97361
(541) 745-5334

State Parks⎜725 Summer St. NE, Suite C ⎜Salem, OR 97301
(503) 986-0707

26208 Finley Refuge Rd. | Corvallis, OR 97333
(541) 757-7236